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HubDB: What it is, and How to Use it

Published: 23rd September 2024
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From transforming inbound marketing automation to streamlining content repurposing with Content Hub, HubSpot continues to innovate its product and excite users with brand-new product features.

Yet, amongst the furore of new releases, it’s important not to lose sight of the benefits previous features bring to the fore. 

For instance, whilst HubDB isn’t the new kid on the block, it’s well worth knowing about.

So, in this article, we’ll be giving you the low down on what you need to know, including:

  • What HubDB is
  • The benefits of HubDB
  • How to set up a HubDB table
  • How to use a HubDB table on your website

What is HubDB?

HubDB is a relational database feature within HubSpot.

It allows users to create and manage tables of data, which can then be used to generate content on websites hosted on HubSpot.

HubDB allows you to create tables that can store various types of data, such as text, images, URLs, and more. These tables can relate to one another, allowing complex data structures.

The tool also supports content management. For example, you could create a table of events, product listings, team members, or any other type of structured data. This data can then be pulled dynamically into HubSpot pages using HubL (HubSpot's templating language).

Additionally, by using HubDB, you can create web pages that automatically update when the data in your tables changes.

For example, a product listing page can automatically reflect new products added to a HubDB table without manually updating the page.

When you’ve created your tables in HubDB (more to come on that later…), you can access and manipulate them via HubSpot's API. This allows for more advanced integrations and automated workflows.

And if you think these features are bound to be hard to use, think again…

HubDB is designed to be user-friendly, meaning you and your developers can work together seamlessly.

So, whilst you’re managing data in your all-singing, all-dancing tables, developers can design templates that pull from HubDB to display the data on web pages.

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Set up a HubDB with support from our team of HubSpot experts. Get in touch today, learn how you can use HubDB can be used to its maximum potential, and complete the necessary steps accurately and efficiently.
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Benefits of using HubDB

There’s no doubt about it: HubDB’s a handy piece of kit.

It’s particularly useful if you’re building a brand-new website - let’s take a look at why:

Dynamic content management

Hold onto your hats: a staggering 80% of marketers feel their content management system is holding them back.

We’re not going to beat about the bush; if you’re not managing your content efficiently and effectively, you’re on a slippery slope to a world of bother.

HubDB is a lifesaver when it comes to supporting your content management efforts. It allows you to create web pages directly linked to the data stored in your tables.

This means whenever you update the data in your HubDB table, such as adding a new event or changing product details, the changes will automatically reflect on your website.

This automation saves you the time and effort of manually updating each piece of content individually and ensures your website always displays the most current information.

Efficiency and automation

While marketing has its perks, one thing eludes a few people in the industry.


In 2023, 28.9% of marketers said they struggled with time management.
And let’s face it, who can blame them? Marketing is a 100mph industry and isn’t for the faint-hearted.

Given time is money, more companies are using automation software to make every second count.

Data management represents one of the most time-consuming tasks for marketers. But with HubDB, you can make your life a whole lot easier.

HubDB centralises your data management. If you make any changes to your data within the HubDB table, these are reflected instantly and automatically applied to all connected web pages.

This means you only need to update the data once, and it will change everywhere it’s used, reducing errors and removing outdated information from your site.

No repeated processes. No convoluted tasks.

No time wasted.

Consistency and scalability

HubDB doesn’t just centralise your data management - it’s got more feathers to its bow.

As your website grows and you need to manage more dynamic content, HubDB can easily scale to handle the increased data load.

This scalability means your site will run smoothly and efficiently, even as you add more content and expand your offerings.

Having given the lowdown on the benefits, we’re sure you’ll be chomping at the bit to set up your own HubDB table.

So, without further ado, let’s get started…


How to set up a HubDB table

Create a table

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > HubDB.
  • In the upper right, click Create table.
  • In the dialogue box, enter a Table label and Table name. You cannot change the name of a table after you create it.
  • Click Create.

Add a custom table column

  • On the HubDB dashboard, click the label of one of your tables.
  • In the upper right, click Actions, then select Add column.
  • In the dialogue box, configure your column:
  • Enter a Column label.
  • Enter a Column name. You can use this name to query your data with the HubDB API.
  • Enter a Column description. This description will appear when a user hovers over the info icon next to the column name.
  • Enter a Column type.
  • Click Add column.
  • To modify or remove a column, hover over it and click the arrow icon, then select Edit or Remove.

Add table rows

  • On the HubDB dashboard, click an existing table's label.
  • In the upper right, click Actions, then select Add row.
  • A new row will be automatically created beneath any existing rows. Enter a value for each column you've configured for the table.
  • To clone or remove a row, hover over the row's ID and click the downCaratarrow icon, then select Clone or Remove.

How You Could Use HubDB on your website

Product catalogues

For online stores, HubDB can be used to manage and display your product catalogues.
By storing product information such as names, descriptions, prices, and images in a HubDB table, your product listings can be dynamically updated on your website.

This means that when new products are added or prices are adjusted, the changes are automatically reflected on the site without the need for manual updates.

This approach not only streamlines the process but also ensures that your catalogue is always up-to-date.


Creating a dynamic directory page is another powerful use of HubDB.

For example, a company could display its partners or affiliated companies on a directory page.

By storing images, titles, company names, and other relevant information within a HubDB table, you can create an in-depth directory that links to individual pages with more detailed information.

This is particularly useful in showcasing your partnerships or affiliations in a professional and easily navigable manner.


HubDB can also simplify the management of pricing tables on your website.

By storing product and pricing information in a HubDB table, you can display up-to-date pricing information that automatically adjusts whenever there are changes.

This is especially beneficial if you frequently update your prices, as it saves considerable time and reduces the risk of outdated or incorrect pricing being shared.

Team pages

Keen to show off the team that makes your company tick?

HubDB offers an easy way to manage and display team information.

By using HubDB to store employee details such as names, roles, bios, and photos, you can create a dynamic team page that automatically reflects any updates or changes.

This ensures that your team page is always current, providing visitors with accurate and engaging content about your team members.

Resource Library

Whether it’s whitepapers, case studies, or other downloadable resources, you can store titles, descriptions, and download links in a HubDB table.

The resource library page then dynamically displays this information, making it easy to update or add new resources without needing to manually edit the page. This makes maintaining a robust and organised resource library straightforward.

Portfolio or project showcases

By storing project details such as titles, descriptions, images, and completion dates in a HubDB table, you can create a dynamic portfolio page that highlights your work.

As new projects are completed, they can be easily added to the table and automatically featured on the portfolio page, keeping your showcase fresh and relevant.

Blog Indexes

Finally, HubDB can be effectively used to manage blog indexes on your website.

By maintaining a table with blog post titles, authors, publish dates, and summaries, you can generate an archive page that lists all your blog posts.

This allows for the automatic population of ‘featured’ blogs at the end of articles, ensuring that your most relevant or popular content is always visible, without the need for manual updates.


Get HubDB support with expert support from Axon Garside

HubDB can have a significant impact on your business.

It drives efficiency, allows for valuable time and resource with automation, and helps deliver consistent processes throughout your company.

Yet, to reap the benefits, you need to ensure you’re not just using it, but using it properly.

At Axon Garside, we know HubSpot like the back of our hand, and would be delighted to support you with your HubDB setup.

Get in Contact
Learn the intricacies of how HubDB can be used to support your processes with our experts.