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INBOUND 2019 preview

Written by Rob Samuels | 02 Sep 2019

Every year in Boston, HubSpot host their annual conference for leading marketing professionals around the world. Last year, over 20,000 marketers were in attendance, with even more expected this time round. 

As newly-minted Diamond partners, team Axon Garside are entering this year’s INBOUND extravaganza with something of a spring in our step. With a wide range of talks on the agenda - from the latest industry insights to top technology tips - there are over 370 sessions at this year’s INBOUND event to explore.

Here is what we’re looking forward to most at INBOUND 2019.

Wednesday (September 4th)

After partners gather on Tuesday, INBOUND kicks off in full on Wednesday, with lots of interesting talks.

3 Simple Steps to a Killer HubSpot Implementation (Carina Duffy, 12: 00pm): As Diamond HubSpot partners, we are always looking for the best ways to help our clients get the most out of HubSpot. Implementation, however, is a tricky process and incredibly, 37% of bought technology is never used. Carina Duffy’s lunchtime session will be a valuable insight into the do’s and don’ts of a successful implementation model.

Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah Spotlight (Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, 2:30pm): The creative minds behind HubSpot, Brian Halligan and Darmesh Shah have influenced a generation of marketers through inbound marketing. Taking place on the main stage, this event is the hot ticket on day one of INBOUND, and is sure to be a fascinating insight into two of the brightest minds in digital marketing.

Customer Experience in the Age of Search AI - Bad Mistakes and Cool Fixes (Purna Virji, 4:30pm): As AI becomes a bigger influence in the digital landscape, marketers need to become more and more aware of how this tech will affect everyday search behaviours. By highlighting the common mistakes companies make when implementing intelligent search, Purna Virji’s 4:30pm session is a must-see for anyone interested in UX and the future of search. 

Thursday (September 5th)

From content to CRO, presentation styles to SEO, Thursday has a little bit of everything. 

It pays to be nosy: the power of social listening and audience research (Christina Garnett, 12:00pm): Inbound marketing is built on understanding who you’re marketing to, and what your audience wants. To do this, marketers should not just research their personas’ demographics, but really learn about their potential customers’ moods, feelings and attitudes. Christina Garnett’s deep dive into audience research and social listening will be an insightful session on learning to truly understand your audience. 

How We Grew HubSpot's Monthly Organic Blog Traffic by 3.2 Million in 1 Year (Aja Frost, 1:15pm): Shining a spotlight on HubSpot’s own strategy, Aja Frost’s talk will offer a fascinating peek behind the curtain. Visitors will be shown the exact content and SEO strategies HubSpot used to increase their organic users from 4.1 million a month to 7.3 million.

The INBOUND Studio with Janelle Monáe (Janelle Monáe and Curt Nickisch): The INBOUND Studio events are always a revealing session, offering a fascinating insight into the minds of their guests. This year, Curt Nickisch, Senior Editor of the Harvard Business Review, sits down with singer and actress Janelle Monáe to discuss her life and work.

Friday (September 6th)

While the last day of INBOUND is a shorter day as marketers prepare to fly home, there are still plenty of great speakers to see. 

Personalization 2.0: Personalization and SEO (Ashley Pack, 10:45): Personalization and SEO seem like two conflicting strategies - how can you create a personal experience using broad keywords? Ashley Plack’s talk explores how to align SEO with user experience to reach more targeted audiences and align SEO strategy with buyer personas. 

Link-Building Isn’t Dead Yet: The Most Important SEO Strategy in 2019 That We Can’t Ignore (Dale Bertrand, 12:00pm): Link-building is the Marmite of digital marketing - some love it, others hate it. Whatever your opinion, Dale Bertrand’s talk will explore how link building remains an important factor in Google’s algorithm, and why this much-maligned method still gets results in 2019. 

You've got email: How to scale your personalised email campaigns (Kerel Cooper, 12:45): As technology continues to develop, email remains a central tenet to effective digital marketing. With 91% of consumers checking their inbox daily, email is one of the best places to get your content noticed. Kerel Cooper’s talk will look at how to harness this tool to create an effective email campaign. 

Will you be at INBOUND 2019? Come and say hi!

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