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How does HubSpot CMS increase website leads and conversion rates?

Author: Paul Marshall
Published: 18th October 2016
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There are two stages to consider when it comes to generating business from your website. The first is getting people onto that website and the second is actually getting them to convert into customers when they’re there.

HubSpot CMS is built with these two specific stages in mind and will be your best friend and closest ally when it comes to achieving both of these things. Lets concentrate on that traffic first.

If you’re going to convert anyone, you’re going to need to get them onto your site to do that in the first place. There’s plenty of sources nowadays, from paid search to organic search to social media marketing and the classic email marketing. If you follow the mantra of Google, who are the organic search (and paid search at that) masters, they always advocate speed and security as key to your websites success. This crosses everything realistically, a slow loading website will put off any visitor regardless of how they arrived on your site. A responsive site is now an absolute must, not having a website that switches its layout dependent on the screen size of the visitor is now completely archaic and simply not good enough and will turn any traffic away you do get in droves. And that’s more important now than ever.

Google are measuring engagement, their systems, not to mention Google Analytics, are far reaching enough to get a bead on just how good your website pages are. If people arrive and go no further, especially if they’ve clicked on your URL from a search engine result, can be a disastrous signal for your website. HubSpot CMS is responsive. It's an easy to use but incredibly powerful template module system coupled to Akami web servers and will deliver up a site at the right size in an instant. Never again will you have to worry about the optimisation of your content for speed as it’s completely baked into the HubSpot framework.

What’s also baked in is your SEO for each of your pages. Each page on your site should be targeting a single keyword phrase you would ideally like that page to found for in the search engines. These cornerstone pages are your pillars to which you should be directing all your blogging and social media efforts towards to increase their relevance in the eyes of the search engine. It’s also a great content chain for your users, blogging about persona pains and linking in to the remedy services and products you offer. If you do all this in HubSpot CMS, it’s all joined up neatly together, your marketing won’t be disjointed, wont powered by disparate systems, and it’ll make measuring and refining your offerings to ensure maximum conversion rates.

Conversion rates on a website are the easiest thing you can affect. Getting more traffic can be hard and expensive, and frankly if the traffic you’re already getting isn’t converting, there’s not much point in drawing more people in at the top of the sales funnel, as they’re more than likely going to end up giving you the same result. What’s key is ensuring your site is smart enough to keep people engaged, keep them moving through the sales funnel.

Content management system have moved us on from the old style of fixed HTML pages so you can update the content without having to know how to make changes to the base template files and then upload them to the server. What they can’t do is create a personalised experience, where you’re actually tailoring the content on the pages based on the users previous interactions with the website. And this is where the HubSpot CMS system absolutely blows away the rest of the CMS competition.

By being able to track the users that come onto your website, and display content dependent on which site they came from, or which country they’re on or device they’re on, you’re literally tailoring the experience specifically for that user. And if they’ve actually engaged with the site previously by completing one of your forms, you can not only alter the site to greet them in a much more friendly manner, you can also use the data of how they engaged with your site to tailor your messaging to try and guide them onto the next step to lead them closer to the bottom of the sales funnel where they convert to a customer.

There’s no room in the market for static sites that don’t adjust ‘who they are’ dependent on who is visiting them, there’s just too many other companies doing a better job that will sweep up all those customers leaving the rest of dust. If you’re feeling left behind with your current solution and you’re excited about just what you could achieve if only you had the right tools, get in touch.

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