UK B2B Inbound sales, marketing, and CRM blog

15 Of Our Favourite Ways To Generate Leads From Your Website

Written by Rob White | 24 Jul 2024

The B2B buying journey isn't what it used to be.

Previously, B2B buyers used to have to come to your website to get information about your proposition and then get in touch with your salespeople to ascertain your business’ prices and solutions.

Nowadays, with a myriad of new channels and articles, buyers consume content across multiple platforms, often making decisions before they even get near your website.

According to Gartner, 77% of buyers say their latest B2B purchase was very complex or difficult.

With prospects no longer needing to visit your website to make a buying decision, it's crucial to make sure that when they do land on your site, you’ve set the stage perfectly to convert them.

We've put together 15 of our top tips to help you generate leads from your website, based on real-life experiments and examples, designed to help you squeeze every last drop of opportunity from your site.


Our Top Tactics to Generate Leads for Your Website

1. Create Content in Conjunction with a Keyword Strategy

Creating content with a solid keyword strategy is the bread and butter of inbound marketing. It is the art of producing content that answers the questions and solves the problems your audience is searching for.

This not only establishes your authority when your audience is looking for a solution but also helps your website rank higher on Google in key areas.

To get started:


1. Create a Blog Section on Your Website

First things first, set up a dedicated blog/knowledge base section on your website. Although your service pages should answer a lot of queries your prospect may have, a blog will act as a vehicle to answer questions that give context to your solution.

It’s best practice to ensure your service pages remain brief, giving all the key information and benefits your solution offers, whereas your blog allows you to go more into detail on a specific topic.


2: Do Your Keyword Research

Next, dive into keyword research using tools like SEMRush or Ahrefs.

You can approach this in any number of ways. We have found that focussing on commercially focused keywords first aids conversion.

For instance, if you’re a marketing agency (like us), aim to rank terms like “marketing services” as a priority. Although ranking for terms like “examples of marketing” may be easier, there’s a higher likelihood that someone searching for marketing services will convert and begin a conversation with your sales team.

As another example, if you’re a manufacturing business, a good commercially focussed keyword might be “source new INSERT YOUR SECTOR manufacturing partner”.

By strategically writing content for these keywords, you’re attracting visitors who are more likely to be in-market and interested in your solution.


3: Start Producing Content for Your Blog

Begin crafting authoritative content that fits the EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) ranking factors on Google.

Where most people go wrong in this step is doing it themselves rather than using the key subject matter experts at their business. We always recommend leveraging the expertise of your executive team to produce high-quality, insightful articles.


4: Optimise Your CTAs

Ensure your calls-to-action (CTAs) are relevant to the content of your blog posts and are optimised for conversion.

More on this later…


2. Ensure the Website is Clear and Navigable

Having clear and concise navigation is crucial for a user to find what they need on your site.

In a report done by Walker Sands, 37% of respondents said a poor experience with site navigation is enough to make them leave the site completely. It goes without saying that if visitors bounce from your site, they’re unlikely to return and buy your solution.

You need to ensure that you have:

  • Consistent and Intuitive Menu Structure: Ensure that the main navigation menu is consistent across all pages and follows a logical structure that users can easily understand.
  • Effective Use of Visual Hierarchy: Utilise visual elements such as headings, icons, and whitespace to guide users through your site.
  • Responsive Design for All Devices: Ensure your website is fully responsive and works well on all devices, including mobiles and tablets. 

This isn’t just about the top navigation; it includes the footer too. Make sure your quick links are updated and visitors can find exactly what they’re looking for with ease.


3. Optimise the Page Speed of Your Website

Often overlooked, page speed is a critical factor for conversion - not just for user experience, but also for SEO rankings.

According to Bidmatic, every second your site loads faster, the conversion rate improves by 17%. Ensuring your website is as quick as possible across all devices means fewer people will bounce from your site.

To check your site speed, use Google’s Site Speed Developer tool. Simply enter one of your key pages, and it will provide actionable advice on what is slowing your page down and how to fix it.

Alternatively, you can use the 'Lighthouse' tab in your browser’s inspect tool to perform a site speed check.


4. Utilise Social Proof

Social proof is the cornerstone of, not just B2B, but marketing in general. The truth is, and always will be, that people buy off people, not businesses.

So much so that 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

There are many ways to showcase who you’ve worked with, what they’ve said, and the results you’ve delivered. For B2B specifically, try:

  • Case Study pages - These would be in-depth examples of how you have helped specific clients with their problems. Highlight how your solution has helped them achieve their business goals and how they found the experience working with you.
  • Testimonials with quotes from clients - If you can’t get a full case study from a client, you can use a quote from them on your website. Most B2B companies use this in the form of a slider to highlight key things clients have said about them on the home page.
  • Logo banners featuring a carousel of companies you’ve worked with - If you can’t obtain a quote from the client, then consider showing the company they work for. This can help other businesses know that you work with businesses like them, with similar pains and problems.

5. Have Clear Solution Pages for Your Verticals

It’s not just about what your product is; it’s about why it’s important to your prospect, and why it’s essential to solving their individual pains.

B2B businesses, especially in tech and SaaS sectors, should have 'sector' or 'solution' pages that target your ideal customer profiles, addressing their contextual problems and pains.

A great example is ClickUp, which has solution pages separated into sections for individual teams and companies, each with tailored content for the buyer’s needs. This personalised approach makes your content more relevant and engaging, ‘calling out’ to them and their situation.


6. Set Expectations with Your Landing Pages and Offers

Despite changing buyer needs and what some ‘marketing gurus’ would say, gated content and offers still have a place in modern B2B marketing.

However, there is some truth to the sentiment that all content should be ungated. 71% of decision-makers are often disappointed with the quality of B2B gated content.

The problem is that there’s an imbalance of expectations from business to buyer. Buyers expect to input their details for a piece of thought leadership that solves all their problems. Oftentimes, this content fails to hit the mark.

Overcome this by setting clear expectations on your landing pages about what buyers will get when they fill out the relevant form. This transparency ensures they only download if the offer/resource is relevant to them.

This applies to contact and pricing pages as well. Clearly state what they will receive and follow up with detailed information on the thank you page about who will be in contact and what to expect next.


7. A/B Test Landing Pages

Better UX design resulting from A/B testing could increase conversion by 400%.

Using tools like HubSpot’s A/B testing functionality within the CMS Hub will help you test different landing page versions and identify key features and messaging that boost conversion rates.

To maximise the results from these tests, you can try:

  • Changing the layout and design of a landing page
  • Adapting the copy to highlight alternative benefits of a resource or offer
  • Shifting the structure of the page to highlight a section which could be more beneficial to the audience

The list goes on…


8. Deliver as Much Value Up-Front

Some websites are vague, forcing visitors to get in touch to learn more.

How many websites have you seen promising to deliver a solution for businesses without really providing insight to the process that achieves that transformation?

Providing value upfront can significantly boost conversions. For example, HockeyStack found that interactive demos increase the average website conversion rate to 1.8%.

Demos are reserved, however, for mainly digitally-native solutions such as SaaS and technology. Delivering value can be done in many ways - such as manufacturing companies providing specification sheets to prospective buyers.


9. Utilise Smart/Dynamic Content

Personalisation is key in today’s marketing landscape.

In fact, 59% of consumers say personalised engagement based on past interactions is crucial to winning their business.

Use tools like HubSpot’s personalisation tokens to create dynamic content that updates based on the visitor’s information.

We’ve written a full article on how to use dynamic content and how it can boost website conversions if you want more information on smart content.


10. Create a Knowledge Base

In the age of AI-driven content and 7.5 million posts being written on the internet per day, having one central resource for your users to find the information they need is so important.

91% of customers would use an online knowledge base if it were available and tailored to their needs. A knowledge base provides all the information about your solution in one place, reducing the need for potential customers to contact your sales team.

Hubspot makes this really easy and will pull answers to questions from resources and FAQs already on your website.


11. Pricing

Whether to display pricing is a hotly debated topic.

We, personally, gate our pricing as it is bespoke based on a specific project scope. However, transparent pricing can improve conversion rates.

Although non-transparent pricing pages have better form submission rates, transparent pricing page MQLs convert into pipeline 1.7x better.

A clear, easy-to-use pricing page can convert more customers who might not have converted due to either unclear pricing or no pricing whatsoever.


12. Use Clear and Persuasive CTAs

Generic CTAs like ‘Learn more’ or ‘Read here’ are common but not very compelling. A unique, directive and emotive CTA can significantly increase your conversion rate.

Take Xero as a great example of this.

Their primary CTA takes you to a landing page that signs you up for a free trial of the software. Most CTA’s would probably use ‘Get your free trial’ which, although sets the expectation, is frequently used and uninspiring. Xero uses ‘Try Xero for Free’ to be more emotive, but equally clear about the next step.


13: Enhance User Experience (UX) using HotJar

UX is critical in keeping visitors engaged on your website and pushing them towards converting. We always recommend the use of HotJar to measure this.

HotJar is an invaluable tool for measuring and improving your website’s performance and user experience. With HotJar, you can gain insights into how users interact with your site including:

  • Live Recordings: Watch live recordings of real user sessions to see exactly how visitors navigate your site. This helps identify any obstacles or confusing elements that may be hindering the conversion process.
  • Heatmaps: Show where users click the most, how far they scroll, and what they look at or ignore. This visual representation helps you understand which parts of your page are performing well and which areas need improvement.
  • On-Page Surveys: Capture information from real users on your site to help inform Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys; gather feedback on-site changes or experiences; uncover their reason for leaving (exit intent questions).

By using these insights, you can optimise your website to better meet the needs of your users, making it easier for them to find what they need and ultimately improving your conversion rates.

This can feed into a growth-driven design process, updating and editing your website based on this customer data.


14. Improve the User’s Time to Value (TTV)

Sometimes, the simplest path to conversion is the most effective.

Streamlining your conversion process can significantly improve your TTV, which is the time it takes for a prospect to realise the value of your product or service.

You can do this by:

  • Clear CTAs: Avoid vague CTAs and use specific language that clearly communicates the next step.
  • Minimise Distractions: Don’t overwhelm your visitors with too many options. Focus on providing the essential information they need to make a decision and convert.
  • Immediate Value: Offer something valuable right away. This could be an interactive demo, a free trial, or an insightful resource. By showing immediate value, you build trust and interest, encouraging prospects to move forward in their journey.


15. Promote All Formats of Content

Not to keep banging the drum, but as we’ve always said, buyers consume content in various formats and across multiple channels.

To maximise your reach and engagement, it’s essential to promote all formats of content on your website to create the perfect omnichannel experience:

  • Content Diversity: Offer a mix of content formats, such as blog posts, videos, webinars, infographics, podcasts, and whitepapers.
  • Repurpose Content: A comprehensive blog post can be turned into a video, infographic, or podcast episode. This not only extends the life of your content but also increases its reach.
  • Feature on Website: Create dedicated sections or libraries for videos, webinars, and downloadable resources. This makes it simple for visitors to find and engage with your content.

As we’ve said throughout this article, by delivering the greatest value for your prospects, you increase the likelihood of being seen as a thought leader and converting strangers into customers.


Unlock Your Website’s Full Potential

From creating valuable, keyword-focused content and ensuring your site is fast and navigable, to leveraging social proof and personalising the user experience, each tactic plays a crucial role in attracting and converting prospects.

Remember, the key is to continuously test, refine, and adapt your approach based on data and feedback. But, by implementing these 15 strategies, you can create a user-friendly, engaging, and conversion-optimised online presence that resonates with your target audience.